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Stool testing provides key insights into:
✓ Digestive & absorption processes
✓ Inflammatory processes
✓ Gut bacteria, pathogens & parasites

Available Tests

Microbiome test
✓ Commensal and beneficial bacteria assessment via PCR
✓ Parasite assessment
✓ Pathogenic bacteria
✓ Yeast imbalance

gut assessment
✓ Includes all contents of basic microbiology test
✓ Inflammatory markers: Calprotectin, SIgA and Beta defensin 2
✓ Assessment of digestion and absorption processes: pancreatic elastase & bile acids

Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth breath test
✓ Discover whether SIBO is an issue for you
✓ Test will identify whether it is hydrogen dominant or intestinal methanogen overgrowth
✓ Do it yourself home breath test over 2 or 3 hours
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